A hospital mom who finds thrives on creativity, sunshine and glitter.
This is my story, thanks for being part of it.
I miss vacations and road trips. They used to be my life line. But now, as a medical mama, when I get out of the house it is usually to the pharmacy or the hospital. When I have the energy, I throw my creativity into writing, home decor, party planning or random projects I rarely finish. I believe in clean eating but I also thrive on copious amounts of candy corn, year round. I hate exercising but I love staying active. I wear too many different hats – both literally and metaphorically. I am a retired event planner, former restaurant owner, who is now a work-from-home marketing director. I am a human of faith, who loves Jesus and the many blessings of our Universe. I couldn’t have made it through the last few years (and the previous 30) without God. Gift giving and acts of kindness are my love languages. I haven’t slept in years but I can change a g-tube in my sleep. I think Border Collies could successfully run the country if given the chance. A full bodied glass of red wine is the way to my heart. When the weather is warm and I have a break from the kids, you can find me on the water or jamming to music in my topless jeep. My dream getaway was and is an empty sandbar in Key West. I am a JMU Duke and will always bleed purple. I struggle to figure out how “New Suz” (the medical mom who faces trauma on the daily) and “Old Suz” (the fun one you just read about) get along together.